PBE (left) and LDA+U (right) band structure of FeO
For more information on exchange-correlation functionals in CASTEP see the following talks from recent Castep workshops:
A guide to exchange-correlation
 functionals Albert Bartok-Partay, 2019 CASTEP Workshop
Regularized SCAN functional, Albert P. Bartok and Jonathan R. Yates J. Chem. Phys. 150 161101 (2019)
Screened exchange density functional applied to solids, Stewart J. Clark and John Robertson Phys. Rev. B 82, 085208 (2011).
Intrinsic defects in ZnO calculated by screened exchange and hybrid density functionals, Stewart J. Clark, John Robertson, Stephan Lany and Alex Zunger Phys, Rev. B 81(11), 115311 (2010).
Screened-exchange stress tensor in density functional theory, Michael C. Gibson, Stuart Brand and Stewart J. Clark Phys. Rev. B 73, 125120 (2006).